Tuesday 29 March 2011

Mantra: Deception day 1

Note I wrote this two weeks ago but FORGOT to post it:
       On my Quest to find inner peace, I  travelled to places so far inside my conscience, I was scared  that I would never come out of it. It was almost a limbo. But quite not. Then, I found inner peace- On my phone. I am so glad that I wanted  to be tech savvy and cool. Because that led me to become the proud owner of Samsung Captivate.
   So ya. I went to the Market and typed in dozens of words that would lead me to one single goal- peace of mind. In the end, I downloaded an App called 5- minute meditation. Yesterday, when my heartbeat was unusually high, since I was panicking about papers and quizzes and life and life, I gave it a try. 
It was pretty relaxing. If you feel exhausted and frustrated. Join the league. It's called stress and it's been here forever. Now you can sit and whine and whine and whine. You'll succeed in what you wanted to do. That's nothing.  But you can also step up. Now you must think - Ah, she is starting to sound like a self help book. 
   Now come on. I swear if there is one thing I am not, that's a self help book. I am just sharing a little bit wisdom that appeared before me. It taught me to deceive your mind. Your stressed mind is confused. Exhausted. And all it wants to do is feel better.
    Meditation is the best way. Totally immerse yourself in it. Push yourself to believe that it is the answer.  Don't try to be smart about it. Don't let your mind think about why it's not working. Just tell yourself it is.

Yep she helped me for a week.

I tried this one and it's awesome. It's still running on my phone.

    Try it for a week and share your thoughts.  These were free. You might find fancier and costlier ones. You can choose whatever. But keep in mind your goal. And that's attaining  peace of mind