Tuesday 10 April 2012


I want a Prime Minister who can shoot arrows and bring down rain during times of drought. I want a Prime minister who can carry the entire country in his pinky finger and save people from potential disaster. I want a Prime Minister who can crush demons with a mighty sword and make a garland out of all the bad guys.

But then, I realize that  (sadly)  we don't  live  in the glorious days of Mahabharata, Ramayanas and Krishna Leelas.
Citizens of the country have placed too much faith on this so called potential savior. We all are in search of this glorified soldier who can rid us of all our woes. There are elections and there are winners.  Then everybody hates the winner. Especially, the ones who lost against them in the race for power.  They hatch plans to become the next winner. It goes on and on and on. It's called the race for power. What is the race of power? The race for power is the most dangerous fight. It is more seductive than the lustrous eyes.

Sums it up, pretty much!
  Let's take this hero-talk to The National Volunteer  Clean-up Campaign that decided to clean-up Kathmandu, where the prime minister swept the floors outside the Constituent Assembly.  Many termed it to be a publicity stunt and many though it was very fake.

SO WHAT if it was a publicity stunt? At least a portion (even if tiny) of our much polluted country was actually clean, even for a day. We were so busy analyzing the prime ministers' possible strategy to maybe deviate our minds from the pending constitution that we didn't bother to mobilize ourselves and clean our communities.

And, here's a shout out for those who actually did take to the roads with brooms.

We look for ways to point out why we hate the prime minister so much. Hatred for politicians in the country overshadows the love we feel for the motherland.  It's a waste of time to look for a hero.Instead, try becoming one and the world could actually become cleaner!  

I repeat: There are no saviors. There are no men that can fight demons and shoot precise arrows. There is a country and there are people. Like us, who can take steps and become heroes in our own ways. And when a prime minister tries to sweep the roads with a broom, no matter how much you dislike him, follow him. Not to support him but to support the cause and to support the country. To set examples.

Maybe you are the savior who's going to wear those demons-I-defeated garlands?

Ah there I go again!

 *Here is some more news and controversies about the campaign:Corruption charges*