Friday 1 June 2012

Howdy folks.

If anyone is reading.

1. We could all use a little bit of humor, eh? Well, I found my laughter medicine in Tina Fey's Bossypants. The other night I was laughing out loud at 11 in the night. Mother thought I had a seizure of some sort.
You have got to read it if you're a Fey Fan. Guaranteed to lift your mood.
The book is exactly what the cover is: funny 

2. I went on live on T.V. It was  an  OH-my-god-I-am-gonna-screw-this-up moment! But thankfully I didn't suck as bad as I thought I would (Well, that's what everybody told me. I feel better so let's leave it to that).

3. There is lots happening. I went to see Nepal's  most prestigious beauty pageants live! Here is a shout out to all the beautiful girls who participated. Couldn't have stood there  so confidently. Also  watching those Leggy lasses gave me pangs of jealousy. That Night I complained to Mother about how she didn't feed me enough calcium =)

4 And Oh! My quest to understand Nepalese Politics. I have made  a teeny progress. I now know the name of the Prime Minister of my country. Woohoo! That was a joke by the way. Politics is actually very interesting. And the more I learn, the more I learn!

 Rings a bell. Much!