Thursday 17 February 2011

Once upon a time....and Now

This is the picture that's on my book. The smile is familiar to me now.
The  University introduced me to the Rwandan Genocide. It's devastating. I miss my copy of The Diary of Anne Frank. It lies in my bedroom, back home. I was probably 13 or 14. The same age as Anne Frank. The first time I read it, I couldn't comprehend the magnitude of  barbarism, this young girl was witnessing. But I read the book more than once. Every time, we had a World Wa rII lesson or a chapter on the Holocaust, I would re-read her entries. It started to make more sense.. I get the same almost- nauseous  feeling now. When we watched Alfredo Jaar's " We wish to inform you that we didn't know", the same feeling of disbelief was back.
Just one single thought. Sums up, everything.
A Million people, butchered to death in  less than 100 days. And the rest of the world turned the other way. The documentary blames Top Leaders for ignoring the happenings. It's just eerie, to think how you can just overlook such a thing. It's unbelievable.

And we move on to technology. To generations of iphones and tablets and rockets. And not even long ago, 80,000 bodies were thrown into rivers.

The Thirty Years War, The Revolutions, The Nuclear attacks." Price for independence". Just so that you can sing of glory.
But is anyone free?

To be continued........

Tuesday 8 February 2011



It's when we look for excuses. 
Have you ever noticed that Monday is just like Sunday? 
We add the Blues. 
These man-made, these long calender of events, 
this snowy day.
 It's all the making of a story. 
Facts are thrown at you like bullets. 
Or could they be flower petals, gently being sprinkled.
See I am talking about perspective. 
I mean, how long will we wait for the right time. 
Oops mine could have just gone. 
It's probably the wisdom that comes in the twenty. 
But I am rather on the philosophical edge.
 It's like giving birth. 
Only the pain of bursting out of this cocoon isn't as tangible.
 But this monumental endeavor could awaken me.
It's almost epiphany. 
And maybe not. 
It's always been there. 
I am just not able to catch it.