Wednesday 1 December 2010

The tornadao that came

      Here goes. I have been wanting to scream, shout, yell, cry and strangle myself. It's finals and it's winter. Sorry snow-lovers, but I despise the flakes and flurries. Can't wait for Christmas to lighten things up. Ah. Complaining feels so much better.
      And now good news. I am here to share something more interesting than my battle against the brutal winds of the Kansan plains. Today was my last Studio B class. We did six shows throughout the semester. I had to shoot videos, edit, write,  and anchor. PHEW.
      My experience with college life, is like a huge tornado, that keeps coming back. A whirlwind of energy  sucks me in and throws most of my parts out.  It leaves me just where I was. I look around and realize that; I got nothing on me. Then I rebuild. It get's better. But unfortunately my world doesn't have a warning. Another tornado is on its way  to mock my resistance. It's teaching me to get real.
       And the biggest tornado this year was Studio B.Try talking on TV and we'll see who's confident.
       My first show- I felt like I was an idiot, choosing to become a broadcast journalist. I couldn't even talk in front of the camera without my hands shaking. Could I please stick to writing?And that Oh-I-might-poop feeling.
        But! I am here to applaud. I am here to tell myself that I did a good job, although deep down, I know I sucked most of the time. Sometimes I did good. And believe it or not, I will soak up the good ones into my veins of experience. It's aways easy to hate yourself for being stupid. But it's hard to overcome the dumb things you do.( Plan B: Pretend like it never happened)
 It all comes down to movers and shakers, and doers.
       In general I did pretty well. Met new people. Learned new skills. Accepted the fact that it's okay to be "not the best."
      Well then, what am I going to do about the another tornado that's waiting for me next semester?  There are two things I have promised myself.

1) I will NOT cry.
2) I will NOT change my major.

David Youso on the prompter machine. If this goes wrong, the anchor will see a blank screen. Bad ones will die on the spot, good ones will know they're great.

The centre point of the tornado

Behind the scenes: They direct, the show and how it goes.

So many cameras!

                      Thought for the day: Your tornado is waiting outside.


  1. Point well taken: Learn your lesson, brave the next challenge.
    Its ok to not be the best-the story of all our college lives :)

  2. I completely agree with you.
    IMPLY the learnt lesson now sweetikins.
