Monday 29 November 2010

My Li'l Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving '10 will go down as memorable. You can't beat a broken ankle.  Followed by a  random trip to another city, only realising that you have to drive back without doing anything.


It's Thanksgiving. Everything is closed!

Apart from that, me and my girlfriends had some wisdom shed on our hungover heads. We visited the Wichita Citadel. My final project required me to look for stories. It so happened that for the first time ever, I did my homework. Talked to the Captain of The Salvation Army the day before.
We had never been to a dinner and it was heartwarming. What struck me the most was kids helping out their parents. Flaunting the "salvation army" Aprons, Kids aged 5 to 15 were helping out, asking people if they wanted water. Did anyone want more food?  Did they need napkins?

The angle for my story became crystal clear. =)

Five years from today, the dinner will probably become a distant memory for the young ones. But what that day teaches them will remain forever. Do we ever stop to think of all the good things we did as children?
Let's see. Mom says all I did was run around naked, chasing fellow little ones. Gave her a hard time. Nonetheless, she tells me I was a good kid.

I take that to the heart and have decided to add a new bullet on my new year's resolution; Become the kid I was.

It's much better than watching kindergarten folks dirty dancing. Don't tell me you haven't watched that video? Disgusts me.

 And it's much better than  hearing  news about kids biting each other. Edward and Bella, your love is causing  constant pain to the race of humanity. ( joke* joke)

Jokes apart, I loved what I saw and let me have the pleasure of sharing some great people I met.

Let's admire their deed and get inspired to do the same.

Jordan is 10 and has been helping mommy for the past five years. They said it's a great experience.

27- year old Megan helped out. Her newborn was patient and cooperative. She  was helped by her 6-year old Kaylee. And the gentleman is her brother.

                                        FYI: One of my girlfriends made Pineapple delight. It was heaven

Thought for the day : Wear you boots in winter. 


  1. i am ur follower!!!
    nice job my fren!!!
    u r the talentest!!
    btw..i started bloggin too! :D

  2. I'm glad I was online at this ungodly hour and did not miss your link in the flurry of insignificant news feed. I'm so glad you learnt an important Thanksgiving lesson. Thats the whole purpose of the damn thing! :)

  3. i bet u have learned a lot so did i!! although i didnt like bein there in the first place because u were doing ur homework and we were there just for nothing!! when i saw those kids i was happy too..

    keep writing
