Saturday 4 June 2011

Just a thought

We look for so many reasons. Reasons to fall in love. Reasons to start a fight. Reasons to cry. Reasons for another reason. Have you ever noticed that the quest to match the reason with it's possible  answers takes us a whole time.
I was sipping a can of coke today. Nothing special about it. Then I looked at it for a moment and realized I could do so many things with it. I could offer my neighbor to go play fetch with her dog. Or maybe I could collect and sell all the cans and earn some money for the yummy Mocha Coconut at Starbucks?
I ended up doing something quite outrageous. I turned my empty can into lady Gaga. It took us a little time but we ended up finding the bracelets the fluffy pink crown and even a butterfly. I was at the mall and a few stopped and watch as I tried to  make my Gaga-can look cute.

I must say my little art and craft time with myself might have looked like a total waste of time, but we can derive so much from my beautiful (admit it!) creation. If an empty bottle can look so nice ;) have you ever sat down and thought what that beautiful heart of yours can do?

Set goals, shall we? Let's make this summer a productive one. Don't let the sun melt your energy *insert a heart here*

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