Monday 20 June 2011

Mahabharata Part I

Arjuna and Krishnaji
    The epic of Mahabharata  is absolutely amazing. I  have watched  20 episodes in two days. It's the T.V series that was extremely popular in the late 80's, early 90's. Just when I was born. It is filled with culture and reflection. It speaks for the birth of who we are. The mythical creatures, the unbreakable vows,  the meditating sages, the beautiful princesses, the warrior kings. A kingdom, kept precious. These things seem so whimsical to us. Perhaps it is too good to be real. Perhaps we have  marked our ancient culture as conservative. It depends.
    But it is important to know where you come from. It is important to derive insipration. It is important to devote yourself.  My quest transcends the boundaries of religion. I am merely asking you all to take time to reevaluate. There have been many outcries against the Bhagwad Gita. Some leaders accuse it of being the ultimate excuse to not work hard and rely on fate. They have their right to do so. But I beg to differ. Those who choose to blind themselves in the name of fate, need no holy book to guide them. They will find ways to twist words.
   Mahabharat is not religion. It is literature. It has not only given idols to worship. It is the lead to a long road of cultural discovery. It shapes my identity.
     The heroes of Mahabharata aren't perfect. The Pandavas were cowards that failed to protect their  beloved wife from being stripped off, Krishnaji would've been called a player today.  In their faults lies our truth. Our way to realize that you can't be perfect.
     Stick around. I will share my other Mahabharata thoughts as the series unfolds.


  1. Thought provoking.

    Write more often,please?

  2. I shall. Thanks for the comment =)
