Wednesday 5 October 2011

The Half Bitten Apple

      My relationship with Steve Jobs is relatively new. In 2010 I bought the much coveted MAC computer. And earlier this year, I watched his speech at Stanford University. For those of you who haven't, do it now. But one needs only a second to be drawn to charisma.
     Steve Jobs might not be the philanthropist we admire in Bill Gates, but he is an entrepreneur, a 'never quitter'. This is what I learn from him. He was " asked to quit" from the company he founded, at the age of 30. But he never gave up. He came back and since then he has become unstoppable.

    As I type these words, I look at my computer.  The layout, the design, the unique personality this machine device exudes. And the credits go to Steve Jobs and his friends. We would not have had the fancy Macintosh computers we learned about in school, there would be no speculations about iPhone 5. And there would be no Macbook Air ( with which you can slice an apple!).
   As the news of his death sinks in, we all mourn for the great mind. He has left an  imprint on our minds. Let us remember him every time we see the half bitten apple on our Macs, iphones, ipods.  And let me quote a very amusing Facebook status I read earlier - "With Steve Jobs gone, the apple in the Mac is now half bitten."

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