Sunday 14 November 2010


First of all, for those who don't know me too well, You must be thinking why I disappeared? For those who know me all too well, you know the slack I am made of!

Anyways, I carry my new camera around, hunting for stuff to shoot. I shot a guy running around. Too boring. I took a video of me. More boring.

Finally, I found a certain group of friends and their way of life struck me. 

They fly. Now that fall 2010 is slowly moving away and winter is casting it chilly spells, every evening, I see flocks of birds starting to migrate. It's one of those moments. They overtake the sky. They are everywhere. They make a stop at electric poles. They rest. Sometimes we see peck-kisses-peck. It's cute!

So I  wrote something, and made a short video.

From nowhere, a song becomes
A lyrics is written on the skies
There is a ball, a dance. There is love.
But the cars below, are too busy to know.

More later.

Thought for the day: Try following those birds. 

And the video is blurry. Bear with me. I am still trying technology =)


  1. hey sweety!! good job and keep up your great job "writing"

  2. Cool concept.
    Work harder with the camera,you and I both know the potential you possess,so work for it mi amor.
    Anyhoo,it is SOO cool.
    Will you design my blog?=P
