Tuesday 23 November 2010

We have a hero

This is for all the Nepalese people who have a reason to be proud:

Everyday, The newspaper has a clown on its news. They carefully disguise wisdom and vision on their crinkly faces and talk about the youth.There is a news about another riot on another street. A schedule of electricity cuts in different parts of the country. Then there's another clown, saying he is better than the First clown. Sometimes a genuine person comes up, realizes he is different and chooses to become the Third clown. And then one day, we don't have to look at this dark circus. Instead there is a picture of a lovely lady. She is a hero and she has been recognized. And she belongs to us. She doesn't go about chanting false hope. She has been planting inspiration. We are told- the country is in shambles. We have a reason to rub it in the World's face; We have a hero.We have a hero.While countries fight over their leader's love-life, we have a country that  has been raped, and is now pregnant with a child; she doesn't know if she wants or not. But the mother has hope. Maybe her child will not be raised in blood? It gave me great pleasure to see that almost every one I know shared the CNN Hero 2010 link on their Facebook.  From wise adults to 16- year-olds. Everyone could feel the beacon of hope entering the wounded veins of our country's foundation, soothing it. Anuradha Koirala did not only save women from becoming what they didn't want to. She pulled the country out of a deep well of misery. And you would have to understand the pain of seeing the clowns (again), to fully appreciate this great woman.

Am I right?
This is a picture my cousin took in Mangalbarey, in 2007. It was a nice trip to Nepal's remote village.. It reads-  We are the voice for a community, free from girl trafficking. We welcome you.
Anuradha Koirala, Cnn Hero 2010

1 comment:

  1. i duly like the tone of your writing.. keep up the fresh work!
